Several publications are included with your Missouri NEA membership.
NEA Today and Something Better magazines are delivered to your home mailing address quarterly. You can also access the digital Something Better online, which makes it easy to share your favorite stories with social media and colleagues.
Electronic publications such as the In the Loop, The Paraprofessional Connection, Focus, Legislative Update, and Leaders' Update are delivered to your home email address.
Missouri NEA's award-winning magazine. Something Better is MNEA’s award-winning magazine. Members can expect to receive this magazine four times a year delivered to their home addresses. It contains articles about issues and matters that affect Missouri public school students, teachers, and support staff. MNEA features personal stories of members throughout the magazine.
NEA Today is the National Education Association's primary publication. As a member of the Association, you can expect delivery to your mailbox four times a year. The more than 50 pages of content are packed with stories from your colleagues from across the nation. Get the NEA Today on the go. Download the app in the App Store or Google Play. Visit for more news and features. Read...
In the Loop , MNEA’s award-winning electronic newsletter is sent monthly during the school year keeping members “in the loop” about upcoming conferences and events, news, member benefits, and other association information. You must be a member to receive this publication. If you're not already getting this informative newsletter, contact your MNEA regional office to verify they have the correct...
MNEA Legislative Director Otto Fajen summarizes floor debate and the latest information on the action in the Missouri legislature relating to MNEA's Resolutions and other bills of particular interest. You can receive the Legislative Update by email daily or find a weekly summary posted here each week. To receive both the daily and weekly Legislative Update, sign up for the Legislative Update...
Share this instructional flyer with others. (pdf) We are hardwired for connection–connection to others, connection to our community, and connection to a purpose. Missouri National Education Association believes that education is one of the greatest connectors in our individual communities and Missouri as a whole. We believe education is one of the most crucial functions of our society, which is...
The Missouri State Board of Education is made up of eight citizens appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The Board sets standards for and approves courses and professional programs for teachers and school administrators in Missouri’s public and private higher education institutions. Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators , established within the Missouri...
The Public School and Education Employee Retirement Systems of Missouri provides a significant and stable source of retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to Missouri's public school teachers, school employees, and their families. PSRS and PEERS are Defined Benefit pension plans providing lifetime retirement benefits to qualified members based on a formula set by Missouri law. PSRS/PEERS...
Missouri NEA prepares two reports annually. The Salary Benchmarks and Rankings report highlights key benchmarks of teacher salary schedules. The Salary Rankings report details the average salaries of Missouri teachers, administrators, and superintendents. The reports are compiled using school employee salary schedules of the Missouri school districts and core data submitted to the Missouri...
Focus is MNEA-Retired's newsletter. It is sent to MNEA-R members three times per year. The member-editor includes regional meeting dates, messages from the MNEA-R president, and news that may affect you. To make sure you are on the list to receive this newsletter, check with MNEA-Retired Administrative Assistant Loren Propst ( at (573) 644-9616 to make sure MNEA has your home...
The Paraprofessional Connection monthly newsletter has more than 25 years of experience helping paraprofessionals be their best for students. The four-page newsletter offers ideas and strategies for effective paraprofessional performance. Major themes focus on creating and maintaining successful educational relationships with staff and students, targeting the ultimate goal of Success for All...
Missouri NEA's mobile app will help keep you posted about news and events happening in our state. Download the app below or search for "Missouri NEA" in the Apple App Store or Android's Google Play Store. With the MNEA mobile app, you will enjoy the following: Schedule appointments with your UniServ director. Register for MNEA events and training. Add MNEA events to your personal calendar. Read...