State Committees

Missouri NEA is truly a member-led Association. 

MNEA's State Committees have specific charges to help develop and/or carry out Missouri NEA's programs. Click on the titles below to view the responsibilities of each committee. 

Except otherwise noted, committee members and chairpersons are appointed by the MNEA President. The committee chairperson schedules meetings, which can be held either virtually or in person. Some committees meet more frequently than others, but typically, each committee meets about three or four times during the school year. As stipulated by MNEA policy, mileage and approved expenses are reimbursed to committee members.

Committee Suggestion Form 

(Online | Print Form)
Any member can submit a suggestion to the MNEA committees for review.

Volunteer to Serve

Application Due Date: July 31, 2024

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Whether you are a seasoned professional, an enthusiast, or someone with a passion for a particular subject, there is a place for you on an MNEA Committee. We value diversity of thought and experience, and believe that every voice can contribute to shaping our Association.

As an MNEA Committee member, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Contribute your expertise and ideas: Share your knowledge and perspective and help MNEA develop and implement goals and activities. 
  • Collaborate with your MNEA colleagues: Be a part of a group of like-minded individuals committed to making a difference on a collaborative and supportive team.
  • Make a real impact: See your work directly influence MNEA, driving positive change for our members.
  • Develop your skills and network: Learn more about your union, gain valuable experience, enhance your leadership skills, and expand your professional network.
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MNEA State Committees

2023-2024 committee members and chairs are currently listed. New appointments will be posted in August 2024. 

Communications and Research Advisory Committee

  • Assist locals in developing effective public relations committees and activities.
  • Recommend organizing strategies, materials, and opportunities for locals to increase and maintain market share and engage members in MNEA activities.
  • Advance local member capacity, involvement, and recruitment through membership materials and communications best practices.

Chair: Beverly Schroeder
Board Liaisons: Brendan Kearns
Staff Liaison: Mark Jones 
Staff Liaison: Chastity Danner
Committee Members: Thomas Cook, Jeni Goode, Heidi Hansen, Irvin (Chuck) Howard, Victoria Joyce, Christine Kortkamp, Gabriel Livingston, Janice McClenahan, Patrick McPartland, Jane McPartland, Sarah Nelson, Connie Steinmetz

Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules Committee

  • Introduce, present, interpret, and recommend amendments to MNEA governing documents.
  • Assist locals with governing documents and best practices.

MNEA Vice President: Rebeka McIntosh
Chair: Monica Miller
Board Liaisons: Tammy McGrellis
Staff Liaison: Dr. Patrick Layden
Staff Liaison: Daniel Bryar 
Committee Members: Matt Agee, Amanda Bearden, Kerry Bennett, Cynthia Bodecker-Myers, Sonja Burks, Doug Hurst, Gregory Meyer, Kirby Newport, Jason Steliga, Dennis Tabb

Credentials Committee

  • Verify, register, and support RA delegates.
  • Conduct and certify RA elections reflecting MNEA principles.

Chair: Donna Rudroff
Board Liaison: Carrie Begemann
Staff Liaison: Lauren Vinson
Committee Members: Tresina Alvested, Thomas Bamvakais, Jessica Crawford, Krystal Dover, Dee Elder, Kathy Hann, Carmen Hill, Erick Hucker, Cheryl Landrum, Diane Livingston, Jacqueline McGill, Treena Murray, Kathleen Naudi, Wendy Nepean, Connie Steinmetz

Ethnic Minority Advisory Committee (EMAC)

EMAC membership includes representation of Native People, Asian, Black, Latin(o/a/x), Middle Eastern and North African, Multiracial, and Pacific Islander MNEA members. EMAC supports greater racial equity, inclusion, and ethnic minority involvement:

  • Provide input into programs and services that increase ethnic-minority membership and participation.
  • Recognize local association efforts to involve Native People and People of Color members.
  • Support the leadership development of MNEA members of color.
  • Recommend and assist with Association trainings focused on ethnic-minority issues. 
  • Assist with Leadership Development and Professional Development trainings.

Chair: JoWanda Bozeman
Board Liaisons: Dr. Alexander Tai
Staff Liaison: Lisa Blaha
Committee Members: Stacy Adamson, Ashleigh Bertrand, Lisa Brown, DeNae Bush, Jennifer Clossum, Krystal Crayton-Day, Joaquin Cuni, Linnet Early-Husi, Anyisa Evans, Thomas Greene, Carmen Hill, Francine Hill, Rachel Johnson, Kathy Pennington, Lynn Selvey-Hinton, Jessica Swete, Jane Sykes, Debbie Wade-Wilson

Government Relations Advisory Committee

  • Recommend organizing strategies, materials, and opportunities for locals to increase and maintain member engagement in MNEA political activities and activism.
  • Assist with Leadership Development and Political Advocacy trainings.

Membership and Organizing Advisory Committee

  • Recommend membership strategies for local recruitment and retention.
  • Recommend organizing strategies, materials, and opportunities for locals to increase and maintain market share and engage members in MNEA activities.
  • Develop membership recognition and incentive programs.
  • Review programs, products, and services available to members.  
  • Offer recommendations on strategies to enhance member awareness of MNEA benefits.
  • Assist locals with best practices for local recruitment and retention.
  • Assist with Organizing and Leadership Development trainings.

Chair: Matt Agee
Board Liaison: Scott Dean
Staff Liaison: Pam Koetting
Committee Members: Krystal Dover, Abbie-Marie Hadinger, Wendy Nepean, Rebecca Portwood, Michael Selby, Heidi Shelton, Paul Vaillancourt

Professional Practice Advisory Committee

  • Design and coordinate programs to address current instructional and professional development issues.
  • Engage and inform members of the actions of the State Board of Education, DESE, and state advisory councils.
  • Promote participation in MNEA’s NBCT, Beginning Teacher Assistance programs.
  • Develop member engagement around all aspects of professional development and educator recruitment and retention.
  • Assist with Leadership Development and Professional Development trainings.

Chair: Tresina Alvested
Board Liaison: Jenny Smith 
Staff Liaison: Samantha Hayes 
Committee Members: Raquel Babb, Lisa Baldwin, Rhonda Black-Fry, Matthew Botkin, Lisa Cummins, Cheryl Cunningham, Timothy Ema, Kristen Engle, Troy Fredde, Leslie Goodwin, Michelle Joycey, Lisa Kickbusch, Brandon Moore, Kathryn Owens, Kim Piel, Megan Rose, Lieda Shadwick, Julie Weis

Resolutions Committee

  • Ensure the Resolutions accurately reflect the Association's position and priorities on issues of public education and public sector unions.
  • Review/revise MNEA Resolutions to ensure relevance and reflect current terminology, research, and best practices.

Chair: Christina Melly 
Board Liaisons: Andy Slaughter
Staff Liaison: Dr. Patrick Layden and Otto Fajen
Committee Members: Amanda Brewer, Andrea Cavanaugh, Andrea Cavanaugh, Annette Doyle, Emanuel Grimes, Maggie Harr, Max Hull, Brendan Kearns, Alicia Kleoppel, Wendy Kline, Kate Kraybill, Tara Mueller, E. Gail Rock, Lisa Spaulding, Dorothy Walk, Lindsey Weatherby, Lynnea Wootten

Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Committee (SOGI)

The SOGI Committee works to raise awareness of issues relevant to students and members of the LGBTQ+ community: 

  • Curate resources, training, and best practices available to members, focusing on fostering a culture of respect and appreciation for diverse gender identities and expressions.
  • Support the leadership development of MNEA LGBTQ+ members.
  • Share best practices for educators as allies to students and members of the LGBTQ+ community.  
  • Recommend and assist with Association trainings focused on LGBTQ+ issues.  
  • Assist with Leadership Development and Professional Development trainings.

Special Education and Mental Health Committee (SEAM)

The Special Education and Mental Health Committee supports creating safe, inclusive, and fair public schools and workplaces for all students and members: 

  • Curate resources, training, and best practices available to members regarding special education and mental health that promote academic success, safety, and social and emotional wellness for students and educators in public schools.
  • Recommend and assist with Association trainings focused on special education and mental health issues.
  • Advocate for developmentally appropriate special education and mental health inclusive curricula.
  • Advocate for the fair administration of student discipline policies that treat all students with dignity and respect.
  • Assist with Leadership Development and Professional Development trainings.

Women's Issues Committee (WIC)

The Women’s Issues Committee promotes gender equity in public education:

  • Curate resources, training, and best practices available to members that address the unique challenges faced by female students and educators.
  • Share resources, training, and best practices available to members, focusing on strategies to close gender gaps in academic achievement, enrollment in STEM fields, and leadership positions.
  • Recommending and assisting with Association trainings focused on women’s issues. 
  • Support the leadership development of women MNEA members.
  • Assist with Leadership Development and Professional Development trainings.

Chair: Joyce Bluett
Board Liaison: Jamie Buchner
Staff Liaison: Kelli Dornfeld
Committee Members: Katie Aubrey, Joy Banks, Carrie Begemann, Kira Collins, Kimbala Ellis, Lori Fisk, Stacye Hendree, Mary Ladd, Moira McCracken, Cherae Parnell West, Christina Rudloff-Guilford, Demetria Russell, Jenny Smith, Pearline Walker-Fairley

MNEA Elected Committees

NEA Convention Committee

This committee is responsible for planning activities for Missouri NEA’s delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly. Members are elected to this committee by the NEA pre-RA delegates in June and will support the NEA RA. 

Staff Liaison: Pam Koetting
Committee Chair: Michelle Shephard

Program, Audit and Budget Committee

This committee consists of two members elected by the Board of Directors, and two members elected by the Representative Assembly. Members elected by the Board of Directors serve one-year terms, and members elected by the RA serve two-year terms. The vice president is the chair of this committee. This committee recommends, prior to the April Session of the Representative Assembly, the annual program budget for review by the Board of Directors and adoption by the Representative Assembly.

MNEA Vice President/Chair: Rebeka McIntosh
Staff Liaisons: Dr. Patrick Layden and Karen Struemph
Committee Members: Chuck Howard, Jenny Smith, Tresina Alvested

PAC Executive Council

MNEA's Political Action Committee reviews recommendations of local screening committees for state and federal elections and votes on endorsement recommendations. Endorsement of candidates for federal races must also be approved by the NEA Fund for Children and Public Education. Two members are elected from each Governance District by that district’s delegates to the MNEA Representative Assembly. Members serve for staggered, four-year terms.

President: Phillip Murray
Vice President: Rebeka McIntosh
NEA Directors: Andy Slaughter and DeNaé Bush
Staff Liaison: Dr. Patrick LaydenOtto FajenElizabeth Zerr
Committee Members:
Gov. Dist. 1 - Rebecca Portwood, Vacancy
Gov. Dist. 2 - Stephanie Blake, David Swanter
Gov. Dist. 3 - Regina Newport, Jonathan Holz
Gov. Dist. 4 - Tyler Janke, Kate Kraybill
Gov. Dist. 5 - Amanda Bearden, Kevin Bland
Gov. Dist. 6 - Monica Miller, Vacancy
Gov. Dist. 7 - Adan Vishy, Terrance Howell
Gov. Dist. 8 - Jennifer Wofford (ESP), Heather McCord
Gov. Dist. 9 - Lindsey Weatherby, Irvin Chuck Howard
Gov. Dist. 10 - Anyisa Evans, Anita Kuehner
Gov. Dist. 11 - Matt Agee, Vacancy
MNEA-Higher Education - Vacancy
MNEA-Retired - Greg Meyer, Nancy Copenhaver
MNEA Aspiring Educators - Max Hull
Minority-at-Large - Jane Sykes and Carmen Hill