MNEA announces the 2023 Scholarship Recipients

Missouri NEA is fortunate to be able to offer several scholarships to students pursuing college degrees and careers in education. These scholarships are made possible by the generosity of members and leaders, who are passionate about public education, and funding tomorrow's educators.

MNEA is pleased to announce the 2023 scholarship recipients. 

Karlovetz-Favero $1,000 Scholarship 

Cameron Carlson
Cameron is currently a junior at Missouri Baptist University in Creve Coeur, MO, where she is a member of the MO Baptist at JEFFCO chapter of Aspiring Educators. She is pursuing a degree in education and aspires to become a middle school teacher. 

Educators Rising $500 Scholarship

Taylor Vandegrift
Taylor is a high school student and Educators Rising member and competition participant who will be pursuing a degree in education this fall at Metropolitan Community College – Longview in Lee’s Summit, MO. 

Cochran $500 Scholarship

Madeline Hodgins
Madeline is pursuing a degree in education at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. She is a member of the Missouri State Aspiring Educators chapter. 

Gilbert Balderrama Minority $500 Scholarship 

Laila Saint Christopher
Laila is currently a senior at Parkway North High School with plans to attend college in the fall.


Congratulations to all the scholarship winners.

We wish you much success!