NEA Student Debt Navigator by SAVI

Find out how to help cancel Your student debt. 

    NEA’s Student Debt Navigator powered by Savi offers a free online student loan evaluation tool to determine eligibility for federal programs to help you manage your student loan debt.

    • As an NEA member, you can run your numbers at no cost to see if you qualify for student loan repayment or forgiveness programs.
    • Easy-to-use software is available on your desktop or mobile device.
    • Free software automatically determines repayment options and any loan forgiveness program you qualify for.
    • Student loan expert help available.
    • Calculate how much money you can save through this tool that’s easy to use on your desktop or mobile device.
    • Prevent errors and improve your odds of qualifying for debt reduction by e-filing your paperwork. 
    • Receive a complete list of relevant debt-relief programs based on your situation

    Learn More 
