Top Takeaways: MNEA State Board and MACCE Meetings (Sept. 10, 2025)


1. State Board Meeting: DESE Application for the Innovation Assessment Design Authority (IADA)

The state board heard a report from DESE on Missouri’s application for the Innovation Assessment Design Authority (IADA) with the U.S. Department of Education. DESE presented this to the state board as an “Opportunity to make updates to the MO assessment program.” While this report was a high-level review of the applications that DESE will be submitting, there were some key details shared with the Board. The department is looking at a through-course model of small assessments administered at various parts throughout the semester. The plan is for the data to be posted shortly after the assessments are administered so they can be used in teaching and learning decisions. The assessments will be combined for a summative score at the end of the year. 

In addition to this federal program that the department will be applying to, the state currently has the Success Ready Student Network (SRSN), which is a group of districts that have applied for the Innovation Waiver established in Senate Bill 681 (2022; RSMo 161.214). Having essentially two innovation programs–state and federal–working in Missouri at the same time has great potential to truly innovate in the area of assessment and accountability. However, Missouri NEA is cautious to call it true innovation as it is only a stone’s throw away from the current assessment and accountability systems that are currently in place. Further, it is still even questionable if through-year assessments can provide both formative and summative data and, even further, if state testing should be providing both pieces of information

Regardless of what direction DESE decides to move with this application, it is vital that both programs–SRSN and IADA–include teachers and building-level administration at every step of the process–from design to implementation; without the pragmatic perspective of how assessments truly impact students, there is little hope for system-wide change. 

“The Missouri NEA believes that changes in student instruction and assessment must be carefully implemented…that development of education initiatives must, at the outset, include all stakeholders…that the most important place where implementation occurs is in the classroom. Staff must have adequate time and training as well as appropriate and adequate resources to implement new initiatives…Assessments must measure what was actually taught and be in a form familiar to the student” (B-41).

2. State Board: Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Request 

DESE presented its official fiscal year 2026 budget for State Board approval, which reflects not only the department’s priorities but the stipulations, requirements, and limits they must adhere to as well. 

The preliminary budget was presented in a way that mirrors DESE’s most recent strategic plan

Ultimately, total new decision items for the FY 2026 budget come to $809,658,510, and FY 2025 supplemental item request is totaled at $174,196,178.

Missouri NEA “believes that the State Board of Education and the Commissioner of Education have an obligation to propose an education budget that will meet the educational needs of Missouri’s students. The State Board and the Commissioner must request sufficient appropriations so as not to jeopardize the future of public education in Missouri” (A-14).

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3. MACCE Meeting Updates from Educator Preparation

The Missouri Advisory Council of Certification of Educators is established in statute (RSMo 168.015) and made up of twenty-five (25) members–fifteen (15) of which are active public school classroom teachers–that are appointed by the state board of education. Their duties are to 

  • “(1) Making recommendations for the criteria and procedures whereby the quality and effectiveness of teacher and school administrator education programs within the state shall be evaluated;
  • (2) Making recommendations for the requirements for the certification of public school teachers and administrators;
  • (3) Making recommendations for the standards for renewal of certificates for public school teachers and administrators using academic course work as well as other types of professional development;
  • (4) Making recommendations concerning rules and regulations with respect to suspension and revocation of certificates of license to teach;
  • (5) Requesting and receiving reports from committees consisting of representatives from various professional groups, qualified in respective curriculum areas and other specialized areas, to assist in the formulation of recommendations of the advisory committee to the commissioner of education with respect to certification of public school teachers and administrators;
  • (6) Making recommendations for limiting the issuance of temporary certificates that are granted to those who do not meet the full requirements for certification.“

Missouri NEA’s members are: 

  • Dr. Alexander Tai (Columbia MNEA)
  • Cary Sikes (Springfield-NEA)
  • Francine Hill (Francis Howell EA)
  • Lisa Baldwin (NKC-NEA)
  • Paul Aubrey (NKC-NEA)
  • Leah Crawford (Ladue-NEA)

During the September 2024 meeting, members reviewed the MACCE bylaws, received legislative updates from DESE, and got various updates from Educator Preparation within DESE Office of Educator Quality. The updates from Educator Preparation included revisions to content GPA certification requirements, Elementary Education certificates (1-6) to pass a reading subtest score on Praxis, reinstate General Science certificate, reviewed requirements to become a recommending Educator Preparation Program, and updates on ETS → Praxis transition. 

The next MACCE meeting is virtual in December 2024. Please reach out to any MNEA member who is a representative on MACCE with any questions or concerns regarding educator certification. 

“The Missouri NEA believes in the importance of having more teachers and education support professionals on the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Advisory Committees. At least seventy-five percent (75%) of the membership of DESE Advisory Committees should be teachers and education support professionals” (A-20).

MNEA believes that every student and educator deserves the best experience possible in schools. That is why we are the only educational organization that is consistently present at every meeting of DESE, the state board of education, and the Missouri Legislature. We are your eyes and ears when decisions are being made about your schools when you cannot be.

The next meeting of the Missouri State Board of Education will be held on October 22, 2024, at Special Olympics in Jefferson City, Missouri. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Samantha Hayes at 800-392-0236 or

The monthly State Board Report is also available in Podcast form at MNEA Connects. Listen on Amazon Music, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Podbean, or Spotify.